Water Rich Foods For Healthy Body and Glowing Skin

Water is Essential to Life

About 60% of your body is made of water. It plays a role in keeping all of your body systems working well. Staying well hydrated can help reduce your risk of developing kidney stones, urinary tract infections and constipation.

You lose water throughout the day with normal body processes, such as making urine, having bowel movements and sweating. Very active individuals can lose more water through sweat, as the body tries to cool itself down. The same is true at higher altitudes and when you are out in extreme temperatures. Plus, illnesses such as fever and diarrhoea promote additional water loss.

The Risks of Dehydration and Overhydration

If you lose more water than you take in, your body can become dehydrated. Dehydration can wreak havoc on your body, causing headaches, dizziness or digestion problems. Mild dehydration may impact your mood, memory or how well you're able to process information. These symptoms often go away once your body gets rehydrated. Medical attention is often needed with severe dehydration, since it can lead to more serious problems such as confusion, kidney failure, heart problems and possibly death.

It is also possible to become overhydrated. Although this is not as common, athletes and individuals with certain medical conditions may be at higher risk for overhydration. Symptoms of severe overhydration are often similar to dehydration and may also require medical attention. For example, confusion and seizures can occur. Individuals participating in long stretches of physical activity, such as marathons, often need to replace both water and sodium losses. In these events, a hydration schedule is usually followed, and beverages such as sports drinks may be recommended.

Your Daily Water Intake May Vary

Many factors impact how much water you need, including your age, gender, activity level, and overall health. Women require more water during pregnancy and while they are breastfeeding. Individuals with certain health conditions, such as congestive heart failure or renal disease, also have different fluid needs. The same is true for those with serious infections or diarrhoea.

Adequate intake levels for water have been determined for generally, healthy people and are based on age and gender.

Women should have about two litres (eight cups) of fluids a day, and men about 2.6 litres (10 cups). Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need more fluid each day than other women.

Colour Check

A quick and easy way to check if you are getting enough water overall is to take a peek at the colour of your urine. If you are consuming enough, the urine colour will be a pale yellow colour. If it is a dark yellow or amber colour, you may need to increase the amount you consume.

Sources of Water

It's important to consume enough water to stay in good health. You can do this by enjoying a variety of beverages, as well as eating foods that have a high water content, such as fruits and vegetables. Options with a 90-100% water content, include:

ORANGES (87% WATER) – Oranges are low in calories but they contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A, B and C as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium that are essential for a naturally glowing skin. This delicious fruit with a tangy flavour can not only prevent dehydration but promote overall skin health. Regular intake of oranges can boost your immune system, promote heart health, improve your skin, reduce cholesterol levels and much more. Have them raw, juice them or just add them to your salads and cakes.

TOMATO (93% WATER) – Tomato has 93% of water content, it is low in calories and high in vitamins and antioxidants. Juice your tomato or add tomatoes to your salads, sauces, and sandwiches to add them to our diet.

CUCUMBER (96% WATER) – Cucumbers contains 96% water, they are rich in fibre and minerals and have cooling and soothing properties. They are a great snack during the summer to quench your thirst. You can add few slices in your yoghurt or in your salads or just have them with salt and pepper.

APPLES (84% WATER) – Apples contains important nutrients, such as vitamins C and B-complex, calcium, potassium, dietary fibre and several phytonutrients that are essential for a healthy body. This fruit has amazing health and beauty benefits – it boosts the immune system, improves digestion, promotes heart health, makes skin healthy and improves vision. Since apples are rich in water and other vitamins and nutrients too, they make a great energy booster and helps to keep your skin hydrated.

SPINACH (91% WATER) – Spinach is a rich source of lutein, potassium, fiber, and brain-boosting folate. Just 1 cup of spinach contains 15% of your daily intake of vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant for healthy skin.

WATERMELON (92% WATER) – Watermelon ranks at the top in the water-rich fruits as it contains 92% water and the rest of the fruit is made of fibre, minerals and nutrients. The fruit can keep your thirst at bay even during the hottest summer days. Have them chopped with little salt and pepper or add in your desserts, salads etc.

CELERY (95% WATER) – Celery contains 95% water and has amazing health benefits. Feeling thirsty? Then grab some nut butter along with celery, dip it in it and eat!

GRAPEFRUIT (91% WATER) – Grapefruit not only has 91% of water content but it also contains important electrolytes that prevent dehydration. The fruit is high in soluble fibre and vitamin C and contains smaller amounts of vitamins A, B, E and K. Regular intake of grapefruit can help control your appetite, protect against common cold, aid in weight loss, and also makes your skin beautiful.

ICEBERG LETTUCE (96% WATER ) Iceberg lettuce ranks the top in water-rich vegetables, thanks to its 96% water content. It is high in water content and also loaded with fibre.  It goes very well with burgers, salads etc.

STRAWBERRIES (90% WATER) Strawberries are rich in water content and will be easy to consume as they are very delicious. They are great in smoothies, cakes, oatmeal toppings or making deserts.

P.S. For drinks, focus on unsweetened beverages, like water, in order to limit calories from added sugars. 


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